Child during physical therapy

A Bright Start knows that it is difficult to find therapists who will work with children. Christina hopes to fill in that gap by being a physical therapist who specializes in pediatrics, working with infants, children, and adolescents who have limited mobility skills or movement development delays.


A scary diagnosis for their son concerned Rachel and her husband, but a lack of explanation left them even more worried. “They dropped a diagnosis in our lap and didn’t tell us a whole lot else,” she says.

The first time they visited Christina’s office, however, they walked in with questions and out with clarity.
“She reassured us that she could help and that she had seen it before,” says Rachel. “She was very confident that we would see improvement within a couple of months — which we did.”

During their 18 months of therapy, Rachel most appreciated Christina’s goal to get the whole family involved. “Ninety percent of the therapy happens at home,” she says, “so our appointments were really her teaching me what to do.” Christina even got Rachel’s older son to work with his younger brother, “which was brilliant on her part,” laughs Rachel.

Rachel’s whole family recommends Christina.

“She does everything she can to help you and gives you the tools to help yourself at home,” says Rachel. “And whenever I didn’t understand what the doctors were saying, she would break it down for me. My son loves Christina. She is so sweet and kind; he never even felt like he was going to see a specialist.”

– Rachel Langlois, Kankakee